Paleo Diet Breakfast Ideas


For those who are not that familiar with the Paleo Diet, there is a tendency to assume that like many other diets, it is likely to be rather restrictive or complicated. So many diets end up making a meal time an issue rather than an enjoyable thing. But the Paleo Diet is not like these others. The recipes that are a part of the diet are anything but boring, mundane, complicated, or dull. Instead, this diet contains recipes that are not only full of flavour for maximum enjoyment, they are also highly nutritious and wholesome.

This diet is sometimes referred to as the caveman diet or the hunter-gatherer diet and its full name is the Paleolithic Diet. It is about eating the meals that our ancestors used to eat in that they never had the processed foods that are so common today. Many people believe that the additives in our foodstuffs are responsible for a number of diseases, some of which are often life threatening, such as cancer and diabetes. Many also attribute the rise of obesity and acne to these additives that are found in today's processed foods.
When it comes to the Paleo Diet, the meals are jam packed with protein. The balanced diet will make an allowance of between 60 and 70 percent for protein intake. Protein is found in:
  • Different types of fruits
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Avocado oils
  • Nut oils
When you take on the Paleo Diet, one thing must be remembered and that is that no grains or dairy are part of the diet. The key is to consume only what is fresh and organic. Being on the Paleo Diet means eating what is seasonal.
Depending upon your own unique requirements and your lifestyle, the Paleo lunch and dinner recipes can be adjusted. Essentially, it is about taking what you would usually serve at mealtimes and swooping what you cannot have with what you can. Adjusting to this way of eating is surprisingly easy and you will find that within a short space of time, you will be coming up with your very own Paleo Diet recipes.
The Paleo Diet teaches you to avoid foods that contain grains, legumes, soy, dairy, salt, yeast, processed sugar, and starchy veggies such as yams or potatoes. Although you may wonder what is left you'd be pleasantly surprised to discover that most other veggies are allowed, including fruits, all types of meat, eggs, and nuts (except peanuts).
When it comes to the Paleo Diet breakfast, the following recipes and ideas are great.
  • Serve two poached eggs on some lightly panned spinach.
  • An omelet made with the filling of your choice and using two eggs. Make sure that you keep to the no dairy rule.
  • Chicken liver with some bacon and grilled tomato.
  • For something a little more refreshing, try a fruit smoothie. Use some bananas, nuts, berries, and fresh coconut and blend it all with ice.
  • Use what is left from the meal the night before to conjure up a great breakfast.
By switching to the Paleo Diet, you are assured of giving your body what it needs to function properly while making an investment in your own future health and that of your family. Because the meals are so great and varied it is easy to make the switch.

The Paleo Diet for Athletes: Fuel Your Intensity


The Paleo diet is the perfect menu for the athlete. If you are an athlete then you are seeking the fuel that will take your athletic performance to the next level. In our modern society, we stuff ourselves with non-foods-fake foods, even-and antinutrients that experts have told us are "healthy" and then we wonder why our performance is not what we hope for. The decline in functioning, performance, and endurance that we all continually experience is written off to getting older. However, it is really a response to the junk we put into our mouths each time we sit down to eat.

The Paleo diet for athletes can turn all of that around. When we begin to eat clean and eat the foods your body was built to process, you will be shocked by how well you function. Our bodies were designed to eat foods that were readily available to us. The Paelo man was the ultimate athlete. He had to lift heavy items and run very quickly, just to survive. His 'sport' was survival and efficient living. And he was very successful in his sport. A large part of this was diet. His diet did not include dairy, grains, or many of the "vegetables" we eat today, which are little more than starches. He ate fruits and vegetables, which grew in abundance. He ate seeds and nuts. And he ate lean meats.
The Paleo diet for athletes is the smartest way an athlete can eat today. It is far preferable to stuffing your mouth with the processed "foods" you find on grocery store shelves today. Athletes who want to further their performance will be tremendously pleased with the increase in endurance, performance, and stamina experienced by the shift in eating habits.
Athletes who eat like our bodies were designed to report a better overall health and sense of wellbeing. They can run faster and longer. They can reach the limits of what our bodies are designed to do. The Paleo diet for athletes is the most sensible way to eat. Athletes depend on their bodies' performance to demonstrate dominance and mastery of their sport. That cannot happen when their bodies are improperly fueled. The modern diet does little for bodies beyond making us susceptible to illness and disease. The Paleo man died from things that required medicine, which he didn't have. He did not have ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. These are modern ailments induced by our poor diets.
The Paleo diet for athletes is a sure-fire way to reach the optimum levels of performance that you desire. You spend hours and hours training, why undo that with a poor diet? Modern "experts" like to tell us how to eat, but how many people are suffering mysterious maladies despite all their adherence to those recommendations? How many of us are just tired all the time despite our "healthy" diets? The Paleo diet is a better way to eat and a treat for your body. Discover all your body can do for you when you eat the way you were intended.